
-- Octal Bus Transceiver  

-- This example shows the use of the high impnce literal 'Z' provided by std_log.

-- The aggregate '(others => 'Z')' means all of the bits of B must be forced to 'Z'.

-- Ports A and B must be resolved for this model to work correctly (hence std_logic rather than std_ulogic).


library IEEE;  

use IEEE.Std_logic_1164.all;


entity HCT245 is

   port(A, B : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

         DIR, GBAR : in std_logic);

end HCT245;


architecture VER1 of HCT245 is


   A <= B when (GBAR = '0') and (DIR = '0') else (others => 'Z');

   B <= A when (GBAR = '0') and (DIR = '1') else (others => 'Z');

end VER1;